Being diagnosed with autism as an adult

By: The London Neurocognitive Clinic
Being diagnosed with autism as an adult
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition experienced by many people, all over the world. Although often thought of as being a condition diagnosed in children, many individuals may not be diagnosed until adulthood. This is sometimes because an individual may have what is sometimes known as “high-functioning autism”, where the symptoms are often less severe and more subtle, delaying diagnosis. ASD is often characterised by differences in social skills, behaviour, and communication, however the degree to which individuals experience these symptoms can vary drastically, as autism is measured on a spectrum, meaning that no two people are affected by autism in exactly the same way. Over the years, there has been an increased understanding and awareness of autism, especially learning more about autism in adults, therefore more people are being diagnosed, so if you too have been diagnosed, know that you are not alone!
ASD includes symptoms that can make daily life more difficult, for example having difficulty understanding how other people feel, or perhaps engaging in repetitive behaviours. As previously mentioned, adult autism can manifest in numerous different ways, however, regardless of this manifestation or the severity of your difficulties, seeking support can help you make significant progress and improve areas of your everyday life that you may struggle with.
Following a diagnosis of ASD, you may wish to get further information or find out more about how autism might be impacting you. You might have already noticed some specific areas you struggle with, or areas that you find you particularly excel in. For example, you may find that you have really excellent concentration when learning about topics you find interesting, a skill which can be very beneficial to both yourself and others. More information about your strengths and areas of difficulty can be uncovered during a neuropsychological assessment, which can be performed here at the clinic. During this assessment, we would conduct a number of tests that seek to assess and understand your cognitive functioning in areas such as intelligence, attention, emotions, behaviour, etc. These tests are all non-invasive and most people actually find them interesting, being able to learn more about themselves!
Following the completion of a neuropsychological assessment, a member of our team at the London Neurocognitive Clinic will analyse your answers to gain an understanding of how you performed. The assessment is not about how many you get correct overall, instead it’s about comparing your results to other people of the same age and background as you. Following this, one of our neuropsychologists or neuropsychiatrists can create a comprehensive report and detailed plan suggesting areas that you performed particularly strongly on, and areas that are perhaps a bit more of a struggle. We can use this information to come up with a plan of different therapies or interventions that may be beneficial to you and help you in everyday situations. It is great having an idea of your specific strengths, as these can often be used to work around the difficulties you might have. If you think this sounds good, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!