Neurorehabilitation? What is that?
By: The London Neurocognitive Clinic
Neurorehabilitation? What is that?
So, you have been seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist and you’ve heard the term neurorehabilitation mentioned. Or you might be doing your own research and this term might keep on appearing. You’re probably wondering what it actually means! Well, essentially, it’s an intervention we can provide here at the London Neurocognitive Clinic if you have suffered from a brain injury, or other neurological or mental health conditions. Sometimes it may not be possible to fully restore all the ways your brain or body worked before your injury or the onset of your condition, therefore neurorehabilitation works to enhance your current strengths which can help accommodate any difficulties you may currently be facing.
Understandably, having a change that can affect your emotions or behaviours can be very distressing. However, through a neurorehabilitation plan, we can help you regain a good quality of life and make things easier for you! Neurorehabilitation can involve many different aspects, for example specific therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) may be beneficial for you if you are struggling with emotional symptoms or side effects of your condition. Alternatively, it may be that focusing on more physical difficulties may be more appropriate in your rehabilitation. At our clinic, we are able to provide a range of interventions that will form a bespoke plan just for you. We do this following a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, where we assess your strengths and weaknesses in cognition, emotion, and behaviour. This will allow us to pinpoint certain areas that could be addressed and managed to help with your everyday life.
Here at the London Neurocognitive Clinic, we have a team of experienced neuropsychologists and neuropsychiatrists with a range of interests and in-depth expertise in all things neuropsychological! Therefore, we are fully equipped to help with a whole host of issues or concerns, and work directly with you to make this plan as tailored as possible. Having support is also an important aspect of neurorehabilitation, which is why, in some cases, we will include family members or close friends in your plan. Working together, we can address issues that your support network might be able to assist with or where they can help to implement strategies that support you in your daily life. It can also be important to include family members or friends in your neurorehabilitation as they may help provide an alternative perspective of problems you are facing, as someone who knows and cares about you. This reflects our values at the clinic, aiming to provide a creative and compassionate experience for you, taking in all your needs and what is most important to you.
This might seem a lot to take in, but if you think this sounds good or might be beneficial for you, your first step should be getting in touch with us for a free consultation. This means we can meet you and help you decide on your next steps with us and beginning your neurorehabilitation journey!